
Each track has 12 hours of classes - 3 hours a day. It is not possible to sign up for Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz at the same time.


Wednesday: 16.00 - 00.30 at Stara Zajezdnia - The Old Tram Depot, ul. Św. Wawrzyńca 12

Thursday: 09.30 - 14.00 and 21:00 – 1:00  at Stara Zajezdnia - The Old Tram Depot, Św. Wawrzyńca 12 

Friday: 21:00 – 1:00 at Stara Zajezdnia - The Old Tram Depot, Św. Wawrzyńca 12 

If you cannot pick up your welcome pack within these hours, please let us know by e-mail before the festival.


Everyone will get an Audtion Ticket at Check - In. On the Audition ticket you will find details regarding your audition, like exact time and venue.

Audition will happen on Thursday (November 14) morning.
Audition will be in two locations.

For all Lindy hop levels higher than intermediate eliminations are mandatory. If you don't know what level you should register, read the descriptions below.

There is no audition for Solo Jazz groups. 

After the auditions, each participant should wear a wristband. Each color of the band is assigned to the color of the group in the schedule. Please do not remove the wristbands! They are entrance tickets to workshops and parties. Participants without wristbands will not be allowed to participate in workshops and parties!


If you fit most of the descriptions of one of the profile, then the level should be right for you. You will have the opportunity to learn a lot before you jump to the next level. We realize that the level definitions are different at each festival, so please read them carefully and if you have doubts, consult your local instructor.

Auditions can move you higher / lower, depending on the general experience of the festival participants and the values sought by the instructors. We ask you to remain self-critical and to choose the level that suits you best to improve the entire course of the auditions.

* Level descriptions have been prepared on the basis of a comparison of descriptions from several festivals.


Profile of intermediate level dancer

You dance around six months to one year, you did 2-3 regular courses and/or some weekend workshops. You’ve learned basic concepts of leading and following and you worked on technique, connection, musicality and improvisation. Your Swingout is still not perfect but your repertoire of the moves is growing. You’ve learned elements like: Lindy Circle, Promenade, Tuck Turn, Basic 8-count and 6-count passes, and you can easily communicate basic steps: grooves/triple steps, to your partner. Medium tempos are your favorites, but you still struggling to faster or very slow tempos. You dance socially at least once time per week and you’re motivated to learn more and become a better social dancer. You don’t need to do the auditions and It may be your first big festival, good luck.

Profile of intermediate-advanced level dancer

You have 1-2 years of lindy hop experience and you did many courses and local workshops, probably a few international festivals as well. You can easily mix basic steps and use different stretch techniques in a dance. Your connection is solid and you can adapt to many partners. You have big repertoire of movements and some dips and tricks. You are feeling comfortable with your swingout and have learned few variations, as well as some more advanced elements like: Texas Tommy, Sugar Push, Sailor Step, fundamental Charleston moves and Tandem variations. You’ve also mastered the Shim Sham routine. You’re not afraid or very slow and very fast tempo. You're well known social dancer on your scene and you're always taking good care of your partner. You would like to learn more complicated stuff and rhythmic variations. You may not be into the competitions or performances but you do understand importance of Solo Jazz dancing and you’ve already learned different aspects of musicality.

Profile of advanced dancer

You already have 3-4 years of swing dancing experience and you’re taking part in many festivals and dance camps in your country and around the world. You probably competing and performing, teaching local classes or tasters. You have greater understanding of rhythm, syncopations and strong connection with the music. You can spontaneously create moves on the spot, on a dancefloor. You’ve also know many Solo Jazz elements and can easily put them into the couple dance. Extreme tempos are not a problem for you and you are able to dance freely with every partner, to any music. You have solid floorcraft skills (space awareness and use of a floor) and understanding of what means “partnership” in a dance. You do a lot of social dancing and you are not a party pooper. You’ve probably learned some other dances as well, like blues, balboa, shag. You’re recognized by your teachers and other high-level dancers as Advanced dancer… or you’re aiming to become one.

Profile of Master dancer

You have more than 5 years of dance experience, and you're crazy about traveling and participating in workshops on many levels. You are practicing a lot to reach your goals. If you do competitions, you always do them on higher and Advanced levels. You may be teaching locally and/or internationally and you always do top level/invitational classes. You can dance to any tempo and different styles or, you’re very fluid dancer. You can lead and follow, and dance solo. Your skills are top notch and you're an inspiration for other dancers. You are like an instrument on a dancefloor, creating the music by dance. You’re interested in quality of movements and complexity, unusual concept and crazy rhythms! You’ve probably practicing other dances and physical activities as well. You are also a generous dancer, the one who is taking care of everyone around, and know how to work and encourage others to become better themselves. You’re a perfect example of social dancer.


We prepared general level descriptions for the Solo Track, based on many other festivals. If you are not convinced which level you should take, please consult with your local teachers. Solo Jazz and Lindy Hop tracks are happening at the same time, so it’s not possible to do both.

Solo Jazz Intermediate-Intermediate/Advanced

You have around 6-months to 1 year of Solo Jazz experience. You’re performing Shim Sham and Tranky Doo, maybe learned Big Apple as well. You have very solid basic jazz vocabulary and you feel comfortable with making variations, transitions and combinations between those. You still working on your improvisation with music and rhythmical changes. You want to learn more Authentic Jazz to improve your Lindy Hop and overall dancing skills. You’ve probably did some performances, and worked on few choreos, but you may not feel ready yet for spotlights. If you haven’t done Solo Jazz before, but you want to challenge yourself, we suggest to have at least 2-3 years of Lindy Hop experience or other dance styles.

Solo Jazz Advanced

This level is open for experienced and confident solo jazz dancers, with at least 2-3 years of solo jazz practice. You should knew Big Apple and St. Louis Shim Sham. You have already developed your own style and feel comfortable improvising to any kind of music and tempo. You were probably teaching some solo jazz classes or routines and you know how to practice by yourself. You’ve probably perform more than once and did several Solo Jazz competitions. You are not afraid of spotlights and you know how to communicate your jazz moves to other dancers. You may know scatting or have experience in tap dancing. If you haven’t done too much of Solo Jazz before, but you want to challenge yourself, we suggest to have at least 4-5 years of Lindy Hop experience or other dance styles.

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Fundacja Kultury, Muzyki i Tańców Swingowych
NIP: 6760061602 | Regon: 350143760 | KRS: 0000044214

Address: 32-020 Wieliczka, ul. Nowy Świat 6

KMiTa Swing Dance Studio: 31-146 Kraków, ul. Długa 82/5a

Copyright © 2023 Dragon Swing. All Rights Reserved.